
Resin bond diamond grinding powders AC4, AC6 and resin bond micron powders.

Production technology: diamond synthesis under classical technology; this is not cheap orient immitaion of "low strength / high friability" powders.

Quality: grain sizes according to major world standards; measuring equipment: Malvern MS, Ro-tap & halvanic control sieves.

Product range
Grits: 500/400, 325/400, 270/325, 230/270, 200/230, 170/200, 140/170, 120/140, 100/120, 80/100, 70/80, 60/70 Mesh
Micron powders: 60/40, 40/28, 28/20, 20/14, 14/10, 10/7, 7/5, 5/3, 3/2, 2/1, 1/0 microns.

Prices: 5-8 US cents per carat, depending on grain, quantity and assortment.

Wurtzite boron nitride powders

Production technology: explosion method by Institute of Materials Science, Kiev.

Quality: particle size: max. 12 microns, download particle size distribution diagram
WBN content: >99%, download photo of the powders

Buy online:

Amazon: Wurtzite boron nitride powder, 0.5 kg = 18 oz

Etsy: Boron nitride powder, Wurtzite , 100 gram

Diamond instruments

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Buy online:

eBay: our online store

Please contact us for further information and samples.